這部影片是和Johanna Lundy一起合作的作品。Johanna是一位法國號手, 他希望能在現場表演Esa Tapani 的Horn Esa-Pekka Salonen: Concert Étude的同時能夠有影像加強表現出他對自然的感動。我們決定用一頂有魔法的帽子來表達風的意象。並且讓風的韻律配合音樂的節奏,藉此展現大自然的生命力。
This video is a collaboration with Johanna Lundy, who is a horn performer. She wanted to express her love for nature not only through music, but also through video and other forms of art. Therefore, I made this animation and let it become the extension of the music by visualizing the story from the music.
By combining music and illustration, I hope to take the audiences on a journey that they would want to revisit again.
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I also added a lot of dessert and Arizona elements, including animals, plants, and landscape, so the animation is corresponding to the place where the music is performed.

Based on the piece Concert Etude by Esa-Pekka Salonen
Performed by Johanna Lundy, horn
Story by Johanna Lundy and Shiang Hwang
Illustrated and animated by Shiang Hwang